Special Edition Handbags!
Aren't they beautiful? I love them. I have every one accept the blue one.
What do you guys think of them? Are they just another stardollar-stealer?
More Hacking
Don't trust this girl, kyr6a She is a hacker. And I'm going to say this once, there are NO cheats from Callie.Stardoll So don't believe anything you hear about anything. ;) Kay thanks.
Stardoll can not be trusted.
People say that a scammer is born everyday. Isn't that just pathetic? People are fighting over virtual clothes. Like come on already! Same with hacking, like, many of the successful adult members on Stardoll are getting hacked from not even giving their passwords out. Hacking and scamming is a crime. You may not think it is - but it really is. It needs to stop. Cause it's makes everyone feel bad. People should feel safe on Stardoll. And I really think they should take another step up about all this fucking bullshit.
P.S - Do not believe ANYBODY who says their Aunt/Uncle/Mom or any relative works for Stardoll, cause it is not true.
The old Stardoll
I was surfing the net, and found these old pictures of
Stardoll - Paperdoll Heaven. I totally remember these times!
Although, I was a non-superstar then who ONLY dressed up dolls :P
Perez Hilton of Stardoll..?
I don't know too much about this. And I don't really know
what to think about it, either! I love reading the articles
about the recent bitches. They're hilarious,
unless of course - your one of them.
But, if you haven't visited the blog, do ;
Jesus, I can't believe I'm advertising other blogs in my own!
Whatever ;] What do you think of this Perez H of Stardoll?
Vote in the poll, below.
Stylish? I shall say so.
Lies153 has created a super outfit with interior items.
Seems to be going around a lot, eh? I also love her
suite, this room really caught my eye though. 5/5 Love it, hun.
-Feel free to comment, anyone can-
You think you got hacked?
Rumors are going around that if you have the picture above
on your BFF list, you have been hacked.Well - NOO, you have
NOT been hacked. There is nothing to worry about, so chill.
It is just a Stardoll Glitch.
Covergirl - July 10th
I am really sorry, but how the hell is this girl covergirl?!
Her suite is empty! There is nothing creative about it,
and this is just another pointless girl. I am trying real hard
to be covergirl, real hard. But, if I'm losing to this, how am I possibly gonna win?
Sorry, paulakailtizs2
before on the left and after on the right.
-feel free to comment, anyone can, and it
can be anonymous-
Covergirl July 5th 2009
Eee!, I'm so happy so have a pretty Covergirl again!
I love the big hat, it's adorable, and she definitely
deserved it! 5/5
-feel free to comment, anyone can-
Winner of 25 Stardollars!
im_a_cool_chic wins the Best Dressed contest
along with 25 stardollars! She had 14 out of 39 votes.
Make sure to check out her suite!
Awesome Hair Styling!
Oomey makes a great hair style by using roses!
I love it 5/5. anybody can leave comments.
Scammer hollister02
She scammed me out of $300 stardollars.
I was going to buy the scuba for $325, so I bought all junk.
She asked me if I was ready for the Scuba, and I said yes.
Then she logged off. I though I could trust her, because we
had a safe buy with hb nike sneakers.
she even admits she did it, with this..
she said she was sorry, but she obviously isn't. this girl is so pathetic.
i have told many of my friends about her, and some of them say
they have seen her on scamming / hacking lists. or they have been scammed by her.
please, watch out girls. I have also posted a
starblog entry about her. she is def not a new scammer.
& she is becoming well known, for a bad thing.
pathetic, right? anyone can comment, so go ahead.
Wonderful Creating!
grammieD made an amazing beach like room.
I love it so much! It looks amazing.
grammieD is also the owner of the popular
club Sunset_Gardens for mostly adults.
5/5 conrats, and feel free to comment.
anybody can!
Covergirl April 19th
Congrads to red.bad.frog
I am happy for this covergirl to be covergirl.
And the reasons she is covergirl are clear.
She has an amazing make-up job, a cute presentation,
a very creative and nice suite and she has tones of Gb
comments saying "I love your medoll" and such.
It is also her second time being covergirl. ;)
5/5 feel free to comment!
Insane Hair!
lettie97 makes insane hair with little stars!
Just imagine how long this would have taken.
2/5 Feel free to comment, anyone can!
Covergirl -April 9th '09
Todays' Covergirl is Sandra.28
Although many of the Covergirls have been just plain ugly, this girl
isn't so bad ;) I think she likes to go for the funky, fly, busy, style
based on the outfit she's wearing. I like the cool layering she's done
and her outfit looks nice with that "busy, retro" kind of touch.
Suite Creation - camprockelru
camprockelru has also designed a small
town. Looks like this could be a new trend. 5/5 !!
Pillow Dress - Naive-Magazine
Naive-Magazine created an amazing dress out of pillows.
It's even completed with a spectacular crown.
4/5 :)