Stardoll, in a new way

Awesome Hair Styling!

Oomey makes a great hair style by using roses!
I love it 5/5. anybody can leave comments.

Scammer hollister02

She scammed me out of $300 stardollars.
I was going to buy the scuba for $325, so I bought all junk.
She asked me if I was ready for the Scuba, and I said yes.
Then she logged off. I though I could trust her, because we
had a safe buy with hb nike sneakers.
she even admits she did it, with this..

she said she was sorry, but she obviously isn't. this girl is so pathetic.
i have told many of my friends about her, and some of them say
they have seen her on scamming / hacking lists. or they have been scammed by her.
please, watch out girls. I have also posted a
starblog entry about her. she is def not a new scammer.
& she is becoming well known, for a bad thing.
pathetic, right? anyone can comment, so go ahead.

Wonderful Creating!

grammieD made an amazing beach like room.
I love it so much! It looks amazing.
grammieD is also the owner of the popular
club Sunset_Gardens for mostly adults.
5/5 conrats, and feel free to comment.
anybody can!

Covergirl April 19th

Congrads to red.bad.frog
I am happy for this covergirl to be covergirl.
And the reasons she is covergirl are clear.
She has an amazing make-up job, a cute presentation,
a very creative and nice suite and she has tones of Gb
comments saying "I love your medoll" and such.
It is also her second time being covergirl. ;)
5/5 feel free to comment!

Insane Hair!

lettie97 makes insane hair with little stars!
Just imagine how long this would have taken.
2/5 Feel free to comment, anyone can!

Covergirl -April 9th '09

Todays' Covergirl is Sandra.28
Although many of the Covergirls have been just plain ugly, this girl
isn't so bad ;) I think she likes to go for the funky, fly, busy, style
based on the outfit she's wearing. I like the cool layering she's done
and her outfit looks nice with that "busy, retro" kind of touch.

Suite Creation - camprockelru

camprockelru has also designed a small
town. Looks like this could be a new trend. 5/5 !!

Pillow Dress - Naive-Magazine

Naive-Magazine created an amazing dress out of pillows.
It's even completed with a spectacular crown.
4/5 :)